søndag 31. august 2008
blogcandy fra stempelglede

fredag 29. august 2008
Friday sketchers nr 17

torsdag 28. august 2008
Skissecup på Papirgleder

Free at last:-) And I manage to make a LO again!! And this LO is for Papirgleder's sketchcup. It's a picture of my oldest on Vikingfestival here were we live, this summer.
tirsdag 26. august 2008
http://www.kreativkristin.blogspot.com/ har laget to flotte candis som hun vil gi bort! Ta en titt da vel!
Og http://www.carolinesglede.blogspot.com/ har et nydelig stempel hun vil gi bort!
It has been quiet her lately. I have started working again, and I'm opening my own place where I'm going to have classes and meetings. I'm realy looking forward to do this!!! soon there will be some pictures from the place too!
http://www.kreativkristin.blogspot.com/ has some candy on her blog. Take a look!
And http://www.carolinesglede.blogspot.com/ has a great stamp that she is giving one of us!
tirsdag 19. august 2008
Kurs på Penelope
søndag 17. august 2008
Sketch this 62

lørdag 16. august 2008
Sukkersøtt-utfordring #3 - skisse #1

fredag 15. august 2008
Friday sketchers nr 15
It has been some weeks without cardmaking now, but I'm back! In my vacation I painted images, so now I only pick one - and the cardmaking goes like a game:-)
Scrappetreff hos Kristine

some candy!

onsdag 13. august 2008
Awards again!
Her popper det opp awards rett som det er, og det må jo bety at noen liker det jeg lager her inne!!!
Denne fikk jeg av Angella http://www.angellaro.blogspot.com/

Jeg skulle gjerne ha gitt disse til alle som er innom bloggen min - det hadde vært noe det!
Men jeg vil dedikere dem til alle dere der ute som er så flinke til å kommentere innleggene mine! Uten dere hadde det ikke vært like kjekt å blogge!!! Tusen tusen takk!!!!!!!
Jeg vil allikevel gi den siste til en dame som har en så nydelig blog! Jeg blir så glad når jeg er innom der! Helt nydelig! Ta en titt da vel! http://www.iettlitethus.blogspot.com/
I am so pleaced! I've got this lovely awards! I feel almoust like a star!!!
It meens that someone likes what I make here, I supose:-) Thank you soo much!
I would have given this awards to you all - but... without you and your lovely comments, it wouldn't have been soo much fun to blog!!! So I dedicate this to you instead!! Love you all!
But the "I love your blog-award" I want to give to a lady with this lovely blog! I always get in good mood when I visit her blog!http://www.iettlitethus.blogspot.com/. Just take a look!
mandag 11. august 2008
Torill møtte O'Heidia

When I was in Bulgaria this summer, I met this lovely lady - Heidi! http://www.oheidia.blogspot.com/ I couldn't belive it, but the world isn't so big after all. And she has the most wonderfull hobbie!!! What a coincidence:-) She is a great girl, and I was glad that I went to her and said "hey!"
This LO is for the summer challange on ScrappeMania.
søndag 10. august 2008

While I was on vacation, I resived this lovely award from Anne Kristine and Heidi! So nice of you! I realy appreciate it!! A lot!
It's a honor!!
I give it to a lady that is amazing! Aashild! She is a GURU! And thank you so much for the year in DT for the magasine "Ett Trykk". It was a great year! Thank you for having me!!!
Til en liten prinsesse / For a litle princess

When my oldest niece became a mother, I gave her an album, and I promise her that I should make her som LO's to put into it. Now we are celebrating 1 year birthday, and here are 4 new LO's for her! I hope she will like them :-)
lørdag 9. august 2008
Home again - hjemme igjen!
I'm back!!! I could have been in Bulgaria some more days, but.... now I'm back in front of my computer. The stach on my desk is calling for me - tomorrow my friends, tomorrow!
good night!