søndag 6. juli 2008

a perfect birthdaypresent

I AM SPEECHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carole, you can't meen that I deserve this mass of goodies!!!!??????? just for buying you some stamps!????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was so much fun to open up! And when I had seen what was in it.... I just sat there with an open mouth, and stared.... I haven't got words, Carole!!!!!

It was a great suprise, and it made my lovely day, even more great!
I had a marvellous day in Östrersund - Sweden, and came home with many bags full of clothes and old things. I love to go to markeds and by second hand things . I bought a bench, which I will paint white! I can take a picture of it, and blog it!!!!
So there I was - home from a great day - and my husband had got your parcel - and ..... no I'm speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A perfect birthdaygift!
Da jeg kom hjem fra Østersundturen i går, hadde min kjære mann hentet en pakke på posten. En pakke fra Carole i England. Jeg har kjøpt noen stempler til henne og sendt - og se hva jeg fikk som takk....
Jeg er helt stum.... Jeg kan ikke tro at jeg fikk alt dette bare for å hjelpe henne litt!

en perfekt bursdagsgave!!!!

2 kommentarer:

Kristine sa...

Oi oi oi! HEr har du masse kjekt å leke deg med Torill!
Kos deg masse med alt sammen! Og gratulerer med oversått og så håper jeg du får en fin søndag;)

Anonym sa...

You are most welcome my friend........thank you so much for helping me......you are such a kind and sweet person.
Have lots of fun creating with it........I'm sure you will make some beautiful pages and cards with it.
Carole ;o)