- and it fits perfect for a male-card.
I have used the new sketch at Once Upon a Sketch.
It's a LO sketch, but we can make a card to - so I did!
Nå har jeg kosa meg med litt rester fra Steampunk-prosjekter jeg har holdt på med - og det er så arti å lage slike mannekort! Jeg har brukt en skisse fra Unce Upon A Sketch!
26 kommentarer:
KULT!! dekker det meste det egentlig!! hihi...ha en finfin dag du og dine
Knallstilig!! Du er så utrolig flink til å bruke rester - det så jeg jo på treffet.
Ha en superduper dag!
Så herlig steampunk-kort med masse detaljer! Supert!
Ha en fin kveld!
Du er en mester i steampunk!! Digger det!!:)
Så knall!!
Likte så godt den lysere blå fargen på. Lekkert!!
Ha ei fin langhelg :)
Wow! This is awesome! I love the deep rich colors and that pic is super cool!
Wow! This is awesome! I love the deep rich colors and that pic is super cool!
kjempe tøff!!!!:D
Amazing project!
Sååå stilig. En heldig mann som kommer till å få dette. Håper det er en som forstår hvor fint det er....:-D
Love this, great take on the sketch,... from feminine to masculine in one sweep...lol!
I just LOVE steampunk, and this is awesome!!! Love your take on the sketch!!!!!
I love the steampunk style and your card is wonderful!
Thanks for playing along with us at Once Upon a Sketch!
Well..I just love ..this is a stunning !!!The steampunk is so cool!!!I just love evrything in here. it´s my firt time and I enjoy evry post and every work!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Kisses and huges from Brazil
Very interesting card. I checked out your Art Journal blog also. Keep up the good work!
very cool card!
Love your grungy touches - thanks for using the Once Upon a Sketch sketch!
Stilfult kort med mange flotte detaljer♥
Ønsker deg en riktig god helg
Imponert over mannekortene dine. Kul effekt av innslagene med knallfarger.Steintøffe detaljer. Dette kan du! :D
Wow, for et knallflott guttekort, utrolig fine farger og herlig overfyllt med stilige saker. :)
Klem, Anne.
I like it! It looks fun you LO !
Wow, thats grate, a card looking like small LO. Love it
wow this is totally outstanding its a WOWZER for sure ..extraordinary art work .. I love it so much ...PERFECTION PLUS .... big hugz xxoo
wow! that style is so creative and imaginative.. well done!
Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!
Of course I am biased LOL as I am a die hard steam punk fan!!!!!
fabulous .....thanks for playing with us at Once Upon A...Sketch!
This is seriously yummy!!! Love it!
Absolutely awesome! Thank you for playing along! ~Gerry~
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